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Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are addiction illnesses and are one of the most dangerous and difficult to treat. This is because it is a mental disorder and many different things can cause them. Such as genetics, physical or social abuse, and psychological factors. No matter your age you can be at risk of developing an eating disorder.

3 Main Types:

Anorexia nervosa: Severe weight loss, a fear of weight gain, and an obsession with a thin figure. People who suffer with Anorexia often have problems with distorted body image and not being able to see what their body truly looks like.

  • The Side Effects: rapid weight loss, dizziness, confusion, depression, and in some severe cases death.

Bulimia nervosa: Is consumption of food followed by vomiting, a person will consume large amounts of food then force themselves to vomit that food back up. People who suffer from Bulimia are afraid of weight gain and because of this they try to get rid of the food they have consumed.

  • The Side Effects: rapid weight loss, dizziness, confusion, depression, and in some severe cases death.

Binge eating: Binge eating is the opposite of the previous two eating disorders, it consists of a person consuming large amounts of food in a short period of time. During these binge periods the person feels a loss of control and is unable to stop eating.

  • The Side Effects: rapid weight gain, obesity, depression, heart disease, hypertension, stroke, and in some sever cases death.

Why Should You Care?

  • 81% of 10-year olds are afraid of being overweight
  • 30 million Americans suffer from an eating disorder
  • Every 62 minutes someone dies from an eating disorder
  • Every single day at least 23 people die from an eating disorder

