Join us for line dancing where an instructor will teach you different line dances throughout the ages, from the electric…
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Let’s Hangout And Learn How To Make Friends!
Let’s Learn Some Dances And Do Them Together With Our Fearless Leaders Cassandra Brad And Charles
Join us for a chair exercise class with Steve Pelton! This class will include a variety of sitting and standing…
Join us for a superhero caregiver social hour! Friday, May 7 @ 12:00 P.M. | Taboo and Discussion Friday, May…
Join us and challenge your friends in a game of Pictionary. This is the first time you will not need…
Join Steve for a strength and cardio exercise class. This class will test your strength and workout all the muscles…
Join us and learn more about self advocacy skills and speaking up for yourself and others! Please RSVP through our…
Join us for music bingo and get the chance to be the lucky winner of a We Thrive Together t-shirt….